An annually changing project group, consisting of dedicated TRIXIE colleagues, is constantly looking for projects worthy of support that deal with particularly sustainable topics and need financial help. With the €20,000 donation provided by TRIXIE, we were able to support the following associations and institutions in 2023: Tierpark Arche Warder, Provieh – Verein gegen tierquälerische Massentierhaltung e. V., and Deutsche Wildtierrettung e. V.
Tierpark Arche Warder is a zoo and landscape park on the A7 near Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein. The Arche, currently home to 1,200 animals and 86 different breeds, is considered Europe's largest animal park for rare and endangered domestic and farm animal breeds.
Among others, the Angler cattle live there, of which only about 450 purebred animals are listed, making this breed extremely endangered in terms of population development. The Angler cattle living in the Arche are already too old for breeding. Therefore, we financed the purchase of two young Angler cattle with a donation of €3,600.
On September 26th, Trixie and Jolly arrived at their new home, and they are not alone: Trixie will become a mother this year, and Jolly will calve next spring. Thus, we donated 4 for 2 and are very happy about our contribution to the preservation of this beautiful breed.
PROVIEH e. V. is an animal welfare association that advocates for the protection and welfare of farm animals, especially in agricultural livestock farming. The vision: Every farm animal is treated with respect and appreciation.
In addition to professional and political work, the association from Kiel is very committed to educational work. Understanding the living conditions of farm animals and the problems and consequences that often result from them should give children and young people the opportunity to reflect on their own consumption behavior and develop a more conscious approach to animal products.
With our donation of €5,874.03, we support educational work in schools on the topic of food waste. This funds worksheets and school exercise books.
Several hundred thousand wild animals fall victim to agricultural mowing machines every year.
The most effective and fastest method to find and protect fawns and other wild animals, such as the endangered Montagu's harrier, is the use of drones. These should also be equipped with a thermal imaging camera.
The operation takes place early in the morning. The paddocks, where mowing is scheduled, are flown over and checked by experienced hunters and farmers. If a fawn is found, it can be safely placed in a box in the shade. The doe stays nearby the whole time. After mowing, the fawn is released again, and the doe retrieves her fawn. This process can be observed repeatedly.
TRIXIE donates €1,000 to Deutsche Wildtierrettung e.V. for the purchase of a new drone.