For TRIXIE, sustainability stands for a long-term business orientation in relation to an honest responsibility towards humans, animals and our environment.
After founding several project groups, we employed a sustainability manager in 2022 in order to get a targeted definition for all questions of sustainability and to direct and advance this issue. Our core objective is to develop a climate strategy to lower or completely avoid CO2 emissions.
We aim to become more aware where transport is concerned in particular. However, not only do we aim to develop new solutions together with our service partners. In addition to that, co-operations with customers or competitors are intended to help us reconsider processes and optimize them.
We have a lot of plans and intend to work on them with awareness, responsibility and transparency, aiming to set an example for others with our economic, ecological and social conduct. That’s why we have created our first sustainability report to transparently show our previous steps and provide a clear outlook on our future goals.
Corporate Social Responsibility is particularly important to us. At TRIXIE we all address each other informally. Encounters take place on an equal footing and we are willing to deal openly and fairly with each other. Respect, esteem and trust are the essential pillars of our leadership culture. Our corporate health management system combines various measures from different areas into a sustainable concept. We want our employees to always feel good and stay healthy while acting for us as long as possible.
Since 2016, we have actively started to make our processes and new investments in our warehouse more sustainable, so for example we acquired two stretch hood machines that enable us to save 50 % of foils. For the “electric stackers” in our “internal transport fleet” we now use lithium ions, the complete lighting system has been changed to LEDs, and we use 100 % of green electricity. Our photovoltaic rooftop installation provides a total output of 748 kWp, our own consumption rate being about 70 %.
Already for more than a year, we have been working on reducing blister packs in our product packaging. We have progressed quite far with this and we anticipate that in the future, about 8 tonnes of plastic less will be released into the market in one year in Germany alone.
We have tasked our suppliers with finding alternatives for Styrofoam and blister foils by 2024.
The cardboard packaging we use for goods dispatch is FSC-certified. Our catalogues and brochures with new items are printed on paper coming from sustainably managed forests as well. For 2023, we intent to change the production of our wooden items, e.g. rabbit hutches, bird houses and more to FSC-certified wood.
TRIXIE’s animal welfare team ensures that development, redesign and testing of our products is carried out with a view to the products not being harmful and not bringing pain or suffering to an animal if they are used correctly. For this we rely on the current knowledge base concerning the needs of pets as well as the expertise of professional experts. We check any complaints carefully, consult specialists and train customers and employees on our products and on pet needs.
With the series Be Eco created in 2020, we make a valuable contribution to resource-saving recycling. The places to lie, dog toys, transport boxes and cat litter trays are produced to a high degree from recycled materials. The series is continuously being expanded.
With the sales from our series BE NORDIC we support marine protection projects. Since 2019 we have contributed financially to various ghost net retrievals and clean-ups in the Baltic Sea. In 2020 cigarette butts were the focus of a big awareness-raising campaign. In addition to that, we regularly donate to nature conservation associations, start-ups and regional societies that promote nature conservation.
Sustainable trade fair construction means that our team has to think and act in long-term cycles. For example, when planning a new trade fair stand concept, different stand sizes are taken into consideration and included in the planning. For areas of 100 sqm or 600 sqm – the mainly multiple-use elements of robust quality can be combined flexibly, and often they can be used for years.
To strengthen the local economy, we like to choose suppliers from our immediate vicinity. In addition to that, we have long-standing co-operations with various workshops for people with disabilities.
The Pet Sustainability Coalition is a non-profit organisation that has developed tools to promote sustainable business practices for the pet industry. It offers tools and resources to its members as well as information and inspiration with the aim of creating positive impacts on the community and the environment.
amfori BSCI
As far as our suppliers are concerned, we support their efforts to set up an ethical supply chain. That is why we have become a member of amfori BSCI and demand this of our partners and suppliers as well. This codex is based on international contracts that protect employee rights where the focus is on health and safety in the workplace, aspects of environmental protection, fair working conditions and remuneration etc. among other things.