Product detail for a product

Product information

  • transparent container for content checks
  • enriches the water with oxygen
  • cold water through circulation
  • active carbon filter ensures an improved water quality (incl. 2 replacement filters)
  • pump, interchangeable
  • with USB plug and mains plug
  • replacement filter: item no. 24465
  • plastic
Top part dishwasher suitable

product variant

product variant: unique product number 24464

3 l/ø 25 × 16 cm

download links

  1. TRIXIE Instructions for Use 24464
  2. TRIXIE Packaging 24442-24466-24468-24464-88x169mm
  3. TRIXIE Instructions 24442/24466/24468/24464
  4. TRIXIE Packaging 24464-210x297mm
  5. TRIXIE Packaging 24464-255x170x255mm
  6. TRIXIE Packaging 24464-30x45mm
  7. TRIXIE Packaging 24464-25x32mm
  8. TRIXIE Packaging 24464-16x24mm