Product detail for BE NORDIC Salmon Balls

Product information

fish content 67 %

  • with natural Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids

TRIXIE supports maritime protection projects from the sales of the series and by doing this, we contribute to sustainable nature conservation and the protection of many species.

product variant

product variant: unique product number 31865

500 g


  • salmon (67 %), meat and animal derivates, propylene glycol
  • gluten-free formula
  • with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids
  • no added sugar
  • Store in a cool and dry place.

Analytical components

Fat content
11.0 %
Moisture content
18.0 %
47.0 %
Crude ash
13.0 %

download links

  1. TRIXIE Packaging 31865-325x107mm