Product detail for a product

Product information

  • for hanging
  • ceramic

In the section Animals in the Garden and Ornamental Birds more than 90 items were developed or revised in cooperation with Weltvogelpark Walsrode. The world's largest bird park is located in the middle of the Lüneburg Heath and is one of the zoos in the world with the most species, with around 4,000 birds from 650 species and all climate zones. It is also one of the most important institutes in the field of keeping and breeding endangered bird species.

The World Bird Park supports us with its expertise in our product development, resulting in an attractive and animal-friendly new range. The focus of the cooperation is on sustainability and species-appropriate construction of the items as well as the safety and health of the animals. For the new items for ornamental birds, special attention was paid to the use of natural materials such as bamboo, rattan, sea shells, cotton and sisal.

product variant

product variant: unique product number 55531

150 ml/ø 12 × 16 cm

download links

  1. TRIXIE Packaging 55531-85x85mm