Product detail for Water conditioner for turtles

Product information

  • helps prevent the water acidifying
  • slow release of active ingredient for long-lasting effect
  • with calcium and vitamin B1
  • calcium strengthens the turtle shell

product variant

product variant: unique product number 76289

61 × 45 × 20 mm


    Analytical components

    26.0 %
    Moisture content
    10 %
    Crude fibre
    3 %

    download links

    1. TRIXIE Instructions 76289
    2. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-105x148mm
    3. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-105x148mm
    4. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-105x148mm
    5. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-105x148mm
    6. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-100x150mm
    7. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-100x150mm
    8. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-100x150mm
    9. TRIXIE Packaging 76289-100x150mm