Product detail for a product

Product information

without brackets or nails

  • chamber system offers the option of arranging the living space as appropriate for the species
  • easy assembly thanks to push-together system
  • wood, untreated
  • tested by an independent expert body for animal welfare and animal protection

Due to the space-saving packaging method and the use of FSC-certified wood, these houses with their push-together system are particularly sustainable. They can be assembled easily and also firmly thanks to the push-together system and do not need any nails or rivets.

product variant

product variant: unique product number 61230

20 × 10 × 20 cm
for e.g.
mice, hamsters

product variant: unique product number 61231

25 × 12 × 25 cm
for e.g.
large hamsters, degus

download links

  1. TRIXIE Packaging 61230-210x210x47mm