Product detail for a product

Product information

without brackets or nails

  • without brackets or nails
  • with place on the roof for observation
  • pine
  • tested by an independent expert body for animal welfare and animal protection

product variant

product variant: unique product number 61261

15 × 12 × 15 cm
for e.g.
mice, hamsters

product variant: unique product number 61262

28 × 16 × 18 cm
for e.g.
large hamsters, degus

product variant: unique product number 61263

40 × 20 × 23 cm
for e.g.
guinea pigs, dwarf rabbits

download links

  1. TRIXIE Packaging 61261-70357-85x85mm
  2. TRIXIE Packaging 61251ff-FTT
  3. TRIXIE Packaging 61261-85x85mm